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Dangers of Addiction.

Addiction is doing something or using something more than it is supposed to be used or done. When someone becomes an addict they dont notice immediately until when things have deteriorated. Someone who was once vibrant, outgoing and social, slowly starts to withdraw and become unfriendly, this leads to separation of families, friends and worse work. Close family members and friends can take time before noticing that someone is addicted to a certain habit. The reason behind its when the victim retaliates from speaking out.

But the condition of the addicted reaches a time when they can no longer hide it anymore and this one will show either through finances as they will start struggling to try to make ends meet but in vain. Drug addiction can deteriorate the victims health thus ending up withdrawing from the family. This may lead to very poor health for the victim and if not realized and treated fast sometimes leads to death. Bad habits can be a result of addiction that may be caused due to family issues, social stress and also job stress.

Gambling has become an addiction to so many people who have not managed to reform and are still struggling to shake off but cant. Gambling addiction has become a big nightmare for many and this is because most of the addicts financial status has since been deteriorating thus being bankrupt. The addiction slowly pulls them down and eventually leads them into leading a miserable life. Due to that shameful state the gambling victims will mostly feel ashamed and some of them may never share with anyone thus living miserably. Addicts need to be cautiously dealt with because it reaches a time when they feel they have lost it all thus going out of hands doing the wrong things knowingly and discover more.

Socially impacting them, some victims start selling their assets in order for them to carter for their addiction, pornography is another addiction that many are victims of, most people feel ashamed to talk about this habit. It may seem as if its not an addiction until the victim notices they spent more time watching pornography and every now and then they just want to stop whatever they are doing and watch pornography. Some addictions like shopping may seem ok, until you realize how much finances you putting into shopping, more so when you keep shopping and later realize that most of the stuff you buy, you really dont need them but still you keep shopping. A habit is a disease thats why when you notice you are over doing something its essential to seek advise.